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WPCA Regular Meeting - 10/03/06 Minutes


Members Present:        Joseph Carino, Robert Dickinson, Carol Fletterick, Ed Havens, Jr. and R. Max Scheller

        Members Absent: Richard Aries, Frank Ferrero

        Alternates Present:     Thomas Deming sitting for Richard Aries

        Alternates Absent:      Susan Rose

        Staff Present:          C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control

        Others Present:         Tim Coon, J.R. Russo & Associates

Chairman Carino called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  The following actions were taken during the October 3, 2006 Regular Meeting of the W.P.C.A.


Motion was made to accept the minutes of the September 5, 2006 regular meeting.

Motion was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously


1.      A&S Boats – 729/735 John Fitch Blvd. (Approval to Connect)

Mr. Tim Coon from J. R. Russo & Associates, was present to represent A&S Boats located at 735 John Fitch Blvd.  They are proposing an addition to the existing building.  Currently a restaurant building located at 729 John Fitch Blvd. is tied into a manhole on the site which connects to the existing sanitary sewer on Route 5.  The boat sales building is connected to a septic tank in the back which currently discharges to a leachate field.  There are two phases to this project, phase one consist of putting the addition on the back.  As part of that phase, the septic tank will be demolished and a new pump chamber will be installed.  The pump chamber will be connected to the manhole.  There is a note on the plans that states that the contractor will confirm where the flow line is; if it is high enough, they will connect a gravity line.  Otherwise, a pump station will be installed.  If a pump system is selected, a 2 h.p. grinder pump station will be used.

Mr. Shaw reported that he requested that the contractor provide more details so that it can be determined that the proper system will be used.  However, Mr. Coon stated that they don’t know where the flow lines are, so they can’t establish the elevations of anything yet.  Therefore, due to insufficient information, Chairman Carino suggested giving conceptual approval to the applicant, which would allow the applicant at his own risk to move ahead with the plans as presented.  However, the applicant must determine whether they are going to use a pumping station or a gravity system.  Either way, the applicant needs to present final plans for review by Mr. Shaw and the Engineering Department.  Chairman Carino offered the possibility of having a special meeting to handle this application once all of the data has been reviewed and approved by Mr. Shaw and the Engineering Department.

Motion was made to give a conceptual approval to the application for a connection to the Town’s sewerage system for the A&S Boats located at 729/735 John Fitch Blvd., South Windsor, CT as more specifically shown on plans entitled “A&S Boats, Inc., 729/735 John Fitch Boulevard, South Windsor, Connecticut”, Prepared by J.R. Russo & Associates, East Windsor, CT; Sheet No.: 3 of 5 “Phase 1 Site Plan, Assessor’s Map 46 Lot 27 & 28”, Dated 6-08-06 with revision dates of 8-11-06; and subject to the final approval from the Authority.

Motion was made by Mr. Dickinson
Seconded by Mr. Deming
The motion carried unanimously

2.      Imperial Oil – 648 Sullivan Avenue (Approval to use private water meter)

Mr. Shaw reported that this property was previously approved by the Authority for connection to the Town’s sanitary sewer.  Now, the applicant is requesting to use a private water meter to measure water use in a lawn sprinkler system – water which will not be discharged to the sewer.  This metered water usage will be subtracted each year from the water utility report of water consumption which is used as a basis for computing the sewer user charge.  Mr. Shaw reported that he visited the site and inspected the meter installed.  He is satisfied that it meets all of the conditions.

Motion was made to approve the use of a private water meter at 648 Sullivan Avenue, meeting the program requirements for use of the private meter.

Motion was made by Mr. Dickinson
Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
The motion was approved with 5 ayes, and 1 abstention.  The abstention vote was cast by Mr. Havens, Jr.


Mr. Shaw reported that a copy of the Town’s Map was included with the agenda.  However, soon after the agenda was mailed out, the IT Department completed some maps that were more up to date.  A copy of the map was distributed to the members of the Authority.  Also, the recording secretary will include with future agendas a copy of appropriate site plan, if available, so that the members will have a better idea of the location of the project.

Mr. Shaw also reported, that recently one or two complaints regarding odor from the plant where received.  A memorandum was mailed to residents living near the Treatment Plant, inviting them to a meeting which would be held on October 4, 2006 at the Council Chambers at 7:00 p.m. (see Exhibit A.)  The purpose of this meeting will be to update the residents concerning plans for the future Treatment Plant improvements, and odor control initiatives.  A copy of the agenda was also mailed to the Authority (see Exhibit A1.)  A brief discussion ensued regarding the order of the agenda for the Odor Control Meeting.  Chairman Carino suggested changing the wording on Item 3-iv from New Odor Control Measures to New Interim Odor Control Measures.

Mr. Shaw also reported on the WPCA projections of revenues and expenditures in the future.  This was reviewed for recommendations with an outside financial management consultant in development of a sound financial management plan.  Also, the projections were reviewed with the Town Manager, and he recommended having a joint meeting with the WPCA and the Town Council on November 6, 2006.

E.              PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (Items not on the agenda)






Motion to adjourn at 8:17 p.m.

        Was made by Mr. Havens, Jr.
        Seconded by Mr. Deming
        The motion carried unanimously

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary

Approved Date: November 8, 2006